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Crisis Management

Plan For The Worst, Expect The Best

If your house was on fire, would you want the Mayor or a trained firefighter to put it out?


Obviously, the firefighter. Ultimately, your CEO and other company officers may have to make the final call in responding to a workplace incident, but there is a lot of work that must be done to properly frame the issues and to facilitate C-Suite decisions.


We believe that central to the resolution of any workplace crisis is having the right tools, teammates and leadership. In developing the right tools, we help you explore workplace violence prevention policies and train your employees on how to act swiftly and safely. We help you assess the strength of your internal team and we can bolster your team by providing forensic psychologists, security experts,  and workplace counselors.  We provide leadership by framing critical issues relating the protection of life, corporate assets and the continuation of your business operations.  



Available Resources

Workplace Violence Policy

Business Continuity Plan

Disaster Recovery

Real Time Threat Assessments

Victim's Assistance & Relief

Data Breach

Crisis Management Team Project Management

Communications & Media  Relations

Emergency Training

Incident Security

Post-Incident Security Deescalation

Plan For The Worst

 30 Years of Labor & Employment Law Expereience

Request an Opinion

Find out more about how we can help you prepare a crisis management plan and manage an incident.


Strategic Legal Solutions
29100 Northwestern Hwy. , Ste. 315
Southfield, Michigan 48034
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Tel: (248) 864-8981
Cell: (248) 871-7728 (Google)
(A Robo Call Free Number)
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